Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Arm-in-the-air ban because of the smell of sweat

Sometimes the British are quite simply: the smell of sweat is not at all. Not even in the roller coaster.
Why should visitors to the British amusement parks "Thorpe Park" no longer the arms stretched in the air. The sweat smell is supposedly unbearable. Too often, there was already hefty smell complaints. The report to the British "Mirror".
The smell of underarm sweat at 25 degrees is too great a suggestion for the other visitors, says the director of the park, Mike Vallis. And he even knows the reasons for the pervasive sweating: it is the frightening roller coaster rides that can push the visitors out in a cold sweat in the armpits!
So concludes with hands to the sky! As the roller coaster fans have now probably squeezing the poor. Such prohibition signs were already erected in the park. Those who do not turn keeps flying off the track or through the park

Arm-in-the-air ban because of the smell of sweat

Sometimes the British are quite simply: the smell of sweat is not at all. Not even in the roller coaster.
Why should visitors to the British amusement parks "Thorpe Park" no longer the arms stretched in the air. The sweat smell is supposedly unbearable. Too often, there was already hefty smell complaints. The report to the British "Mirror".
The smell of underarm sweat at 25 degrees is too great a suggestion for the other visitors, says the director of the park, Mike Vallis. And he even knows the reasons for the pervasive sweating: it is the frightening roller coaster rides that can push the visitors out in a cold sweat in the armpits!
So concludes with hands to the sky! As the roller coaster fans have now probably squeezing the poor. Such prohibition signs were already erected in the park. Those who do not turn keeps flying off the track or through the park

Arm-in-the-air ban because of the smell of sweat

Sometimes the British are quite simply: the smell of sweat is not at all. Not even in the roller coaster.
Why should visitors to the British amusement parks "Thorpe Park" no longer the arms stretched in the air. The sweat smell is supposedly unbearable. Too often, there was already hefty smell complaints. The report to the British "Mirror".
The smell of underarm sweat at 25 degrees is too great a suggestion for the other visitors, says the director of the park, Mike Vallis. And he even knows the reasons for the pervasive sweating: it is the frightening roller coaster rides that can push the visitors out in a cold sweat in the armpits!
So concludes with hands to the sky! As the roller coaster fans have now probably squeezing the poor. Such prohibition signs were already erected in the park. Those who do not turn keeps flying off the track or through the park

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ex-chief doctor implanted bovine bone

Marburg - Because he has set einRinderknochen a patient against their will implant, a former University Hospital Marburg Chefarztder stood in court on Tuesday.
The retired medical professor was indicted by the District Court of Marburg wegengefährlicher injury. He had not before derKnieoperation in February 2003 looked into the patient record, indian express, was that the woman no bovine bone Implantatewollte said the 67-year-old.
"Mansagen should now, one would prefer reingeschaut," the accused said tersely.
The district court sentenced the physician to pay a fine of 15,000 euros to two years probation. In addition, he must pay a fine of 10,000 euros.
It was obviously not alone: against the physician will be determined for about four years. He sollPatienten unauthorized metal implants and bovine bone implants, which in some the expiration date was to a Jahrüberschritten have without their knowledge and sometimes even used against ihrenWillen.
 About 20 of nearly 300Ermittlungsfällen originally been brought to trial. The recent case isthe first to be negotiated.
   Up to this operation had never turned a patient gegenRinderknochen implants, said the defendants. "I expected habekeine features." The surgery is demanding, aberein routine procedure for him was as a responsible operator.
   The note had been overlooked in the bustle of the surgical operation, the lawyer said the former director of trauma surgery. SeinMandant have performed about 1,000 operations a year and stood enormunter pressure. "His guilt is certainly the case that he has not yet seen in diePatientenakte times." A gefährlicheKörperverletzung not be, at most, a simple, derAnwalt said. The scalpel in the hands of a doctor is not mandatory eineWaffe or a dangerous instrument, as the prosecution sees it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hartz-IV-phrases unconstitutional!

Karlsruhe -
The force since 2005, "Hartz IV" rule sets for adults and children are unconstitutional. This was decided by the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on Tuesday.
The benefits were calculated correctly. The law therefore does not satisfy the fundamental right to ensure a decent subsistence.
At least with children of school age should be likely to increase. For the first Senate complained that failed in assessing "any investigation into the specific needs of a child" had been.
"Children are not small adults," says the verdict. The deduction made from the original 40 percent compared to the standard rate for single adults is not based on, but "private treaty" has been set.
Video on the subject
In particular, the necessary expenses for textbooks, exercise books or calculators are been ignored, which belonged to the existential needs of a child.
Without cover these costs threaten needy children of the 'exclusion of life chances. " The now annual one-time grant of 100 € for the school needs is "obviously appreciated by private treaty.
The standard rate for a single person from an initial 345 euros a month (currently € 359) had not been identified in unconstitutional ways. The rate was previously derived from the so-called Income and Expenditure Survey.
In the consumption expenditure was placed in the lowest 20 percent of households based on stratified according to their income.
The judges approved of this statistical model in principle. They alleged, however, that were made for individual expenditure items percentage reductions for goods such as fur coats, tailored suits, or gliders, without clarification of whether the comparison group was made of the bottom fifth of all such spending.
With the new rules, the legislature should also be entitled to benefits designed to ensure an "ineluctable," "ongoing," provide "special" needs. This affects about Hartz IV recipients with chronic diseases for which health insurance does not pay. This claim can now be claimed that this would be only "affect rare" cases, it said.
The Constitutional Court ruled on the Federal Social templates and the Hessian Landessozialgericht. In the cases before families had complained of "Hartz IV" from Dortmund, the Bavarian district of Lindau on Lake Constance and the Werra-Meißner-Kreis in Hesse.