Thursday, April 29, 2010

Terror Process: Were there any contact with Osama bin Laden?

Dusseldorf - Under strict security in today's high-security wing of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, contrary to one and a half years after the trial of alleged helper of terror to an end.
9.30 Since the clock pleas of the OAG.
SeinerAusführung At the beginning of the prosecutor confirmed that the dreiAngeklagten had purchased with insurance fraud deninternationalen money for terrorism.
The Hauptangeklagtesolle have also tried to obtain nuclear material and habezudem had links to Osama bin Laden.
The case against the three men was at its inception on May 9, 2006, the first in Germany for his membership in einerausländischen terrorist group.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The large suitcase Klau

Dusseldorf - Once, not paying attention - even the suitcase is gone! At the airport, drifting around in a year pickpocket gangs. Police are trying to tackle it, success is far more likely mau.
 So the dream vacation can become a nightmare: If it is stolen at the airport shortly before leaving the baggage - or the purse, including cash and travel documents.
After all, nearly 2,000 times what has happened in 2008. Klau is an absolute record. In comparison to 2007 had doubled the number of thefts smoothly.
Bad: Even in the first four months of this year, the figures remain almost in this appalling level. And place the peak period, in which the thieves most likely still to come.
"We are dealing with international organized gangs," said Norbert Topka, head of the North for the airport police station.
The perpetrators come from Eastern Europe, North Africa, even from Caracas (Venezuela). The gangsters know that the airport is known for its forays the ideal city: "There are many people in a small space, it is very fidgety," says Topka. Many travelers have some enormous amounts of cash there.
A businessman from the Middle East with his suitcase, for example, lost almost $ 100,000. Other travelers have gold bars or expensive jewelry in your suitcase.
It is difficult not to come to the valuables. EXPRESS yesterday tested the attention of travelers. In a few minutes would have even the most clueless in pickpocketing reporters several suitcases and a laptop bag can carry unnoticed.
Some of the passengers slept on the waiting chairs next to their luggage. "One must always be careful, that is actually clear to me," said Henk Oude Luttikhuis, for example, from Holland, who had left his bags at the coffee out of sight.
Since the beginning of the year, the police tried to hunt down the thieves too. One even asked officials to deter Einsatzhundertschaft Terminal. Even civilian investigators were on the road.
"It is very difficult for the perpetrators have not only a good eye for victims, but also for the police," says Topka. The clarification rate is correspondingly low: Only about five percent of cases are caught the thieves.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Child molesters from Heinsberg remains at large

Heinsberg --
He did not have to go back to jail. Point.
The child molester Charles D., who has lived since his release from prison in Heinsberg, remains at large. It has held on Wednesday morning, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) in Karlsruhe.
The District Court of Munich II in February 2009 had rejected a subsequent preventive detention, even though reviewers keep convicted sex offenders as dangerous. The Supreme Court then dismissed the revision of the prosecutor. Specially traveled to Karlsruhe from Heinsberg residents were affected close to tears and deep.
The 59-year-old ex-convict living with his brother since his release. He is guarded since about a year, around the clock by police. Citizens protesting daily against the man who had tortured and raped three girls.
The Federal Court to impose an ex post facto, so only shortly before the release date repeatedly imposed preventive detention subject to strict conditions. Thus, during the detention period should seriously reflect new circumstances have arisen that suggest a risk of relapse. The mere failure to arrange with the Court is already a backup storage, can not be corrected over the subsequent imposition, according to BGH.
Following the decision of the Federal Court, the man is more guarded around the clock.
This was announced at the district Heinsberg. "We have no other option. We will continue the surveillance activities in the manner and to the extent as before, "said the district director Peter Deckers. There is no alternative in order to ensure the safety of the population.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fritz makes Schneider

Palma de Mallorca - you had to push sleds with weights and sweat in the torture chamber. Therefore, the troops on Monday afternoon got "broken" and "tired" (Miroslav Klose) in the flight to Germany.
The penultimate European Championship endurance test against Belarus becomes a record run of limited value.
 Still, Loew calls for full commitment. And at the front building on his World Cup assault Klose / Poldi. Clemens Fritz is to assume the position of Bernd Schneider and stimulate creative offensive play on the right side. Michael Ballack, met on Monday evening for the baggage of the national team, may be as long romp in the midfield, with tasks until he can not anymore.
The coating candidates Helmes, Neuville, Odonkor, Jones and Trochowski in brief missions to leave once their scent marks. Wednesday morning, after arriving in Mallorca wants, Löw three players, the bad news to tell you in person.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Man flies with a full car

Bonn --
Wild West at Aldi: With a trunk cargo stolen food fled Costas T. (66) from the parking lot.
Customers who put him in his way, he drove nearly to the ground. Now, the Bonn was for theft and hit and run to court.
The Aldi supermarket Brühlerstraße, 11 April 2009: Costas T. (last name) runs with his wife Marianne (57) borrowed Benz in the parking lot. He snatched up into a shopping cart, grabbed food for 200 euros.
Then the trick of the thieving couple, Marianne had been waiting outside the entrance. It charged the husband with a full car reversed by the one-way and without too could leave the store, she opened the front door from the outside. Costas rolled quickly through the car.
But the couple (900 euros) was noticed pension. Two shop assistants ran behind, grabbed the food out of the trunk. Marianne was quickly out of the dust, Costas simply sat down at the wheel and drove off.
In vain people stood in his way. A tram driver (56): "I parked my car across, he had to turn a lap over the place. Then I put myself in his way, but he went on. "A truck driver (45):" I introduced myself with a shopping cart in the road. He drove so long against it until I translated him. "
Marianne is now before the court: "We were completely at home, the refrigerator is empty. No bread, nothing. "Costas:" We were so hungry. "Her lawyers and Uwe Thomas Ohm Krechel wanted to see the theft in an" obvious distress "embedded.
Marianne got away with 300 euros fine. But Costas needs because of the case four months and two weeks in jail. Reason: He has already struck five times as a thief. Most recently, he had stolen in the Kaufhof department store clothes and a clock - conceded for the six months on probation must Costas now probably still do time.