Saturday, April 17, 2010

Child molesters from Heinsberg remains at large

Heinsberg --
He did not have to go back to jail. Point.
The child molester Charles D., who has lived since his release from prison in Heinsberg, remains at large. It has held on Wednesday morning, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) in Karlsruhe.
The District Court of Munich II in February 2009 had rejected a subsequent preventive detention, even though reviewers keep convicted sex offenders as dangerous. The Supreme Court then dismissed the revision of the prosecutor. Specially traveled to Karlsruhe from Heinsberg residents were affected close to tears and deep.
The 59-year-old ex-convict living with his brother since his release. He is guarded since about a year, around the clock by police. Citizens protesting daily against the man who had tortured and raped three girls.
The Federal Court to impose an ex post facto, so only shortly before the release date repeatedly imposed preventive detention subject to strict conditions. Thus, during the detention period should seriously reflect new circumstances have arisen that suggest a risk of relapse. The mere failure to arrange with the Court is already a backup storage, can not be corrected over the subsequent imposition, according to BGH.
Following the decision of the Federal Court, the man is more guarded around the clock.
This was announced at the district Heinsberg. "We have no other option. We will continue the surveillance activities in the manner and to the extent as before, "said the district director Peter Deckers. There is no alternative in order to ensure the safety of the population.