Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fortune's 5-1 victory in turmoil

Poelich - Between caravans and vines Fortuna also celebrated at the fifth Test a comfortable victory.
The SV Mehring (Rheinland League) won the troupe of Norbert Meier, who joined the the break up of Christian Weber, the entire team, 5:1 (2:0).
In the comeback of goalkeeper Michael Melka, who was in the first 45 minutes in the box, hit Fortuna in the 13th Minutes equal to twice. At Assist by Olivier Caillas Deniz Kadah pushed a first for the lead, then prepared the seconds after the restart for Moritz Volz.
Shortly after, there was like in the SC on Tuesday Glü trouble for a foul on Marco Christ there was even a herd of Education.
In the second section had tempers calmed down again. Marcel Gaus unscrewed 3:0 (48.) before Frank Thömmes scored the consolation goal after 55 minutes for the hosts. Aziz Ahanfouf (by Foulelfmeter 69.) and Sebastian Heidinger-cracker with a free-kick into the corner (86.) led to an ultimate result of their standing against the Fünftligisten.
"There was good pace in it," was manager Werner Wolf satisfied. Fortuna Incidentally approached without central defender Jens Langeneke (muscular problem) and Hamza Cakir (double Charley horse).