Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rettungsflieger shown

Osterorde - In the resin Horst Werner Nilges is public enemy No. 1 No wonder. Over 20,000 ads he has already written.
Parking offenders, sidewalk-blocking, by a tax-phone users. No one is in front of "nodule-Horst" safe. Now he went too far - he was in a rescue helicopter to use!
Leave ads is the great hobby of Horst-Werner Nilges. He leads in Osterode (Lower Saxony) a real personal war for law and order and compliance with traffic regulations.
Also on 17 August. Of early retirees (former taxi driver) saw an ambulance is parked in front of a "rescue helicopter. There, a man had suffered a cardiac arrest, it was about life and death. The police controlled the traffic.
"Nodule-Horst" was the matter. He pulled out his digital camera, snapped a photo, went home and wrote: "The helicopter labeled D-HDRM parked between 12:46 and 13 clock disabling the restricted parking zone / on the sidewalk and on the B 243rd"
And already the complaint against the ambulance was ready. Nilges, she sent a fax to the traffic bureau. "That was a bit much," complained even helicopter pilot Martin Wagner.
"Of course everything was soundly defeated, and finally proceed to Parkverbotsschildern police instructions," says Gero Geißlreiter from the city of Osterode.
Nevertheless, taking this step was over before the unpopular Horst Werner Nilges too far. Teenagers pelted his house with eggs, he received threatening phone calls, is accosted on the street. He does not care. He continues to write hard-working up to 15 ads. Daily.
 "I want to educate more people obeying the law. The Nilges is what his ads to the right. Nilges itself says no sign of generosity. "In the Highway Code has nothing of generosity."
Aha. If he is the prototype of the German philistine? A pendant? Began four years ago, when Nilges with a stroll through the streets of Osterode, were the traffic bureau and citizens of the town still grateful for the services of 54-year-old - now he's No. 1 enemy of resin ...