Friday, May 28, 2010

Head of the Cologne Open to resign

Cologne - Cologne's Greens seek a new party leader that takes them to the co-chairman Stefan Peil in the upcoming elections.
The previous Chairman Kerstin Ciba becomes the middle of the month to resign from her post. "From a purely family reasons," as she explains. "Last September my daughter Johanna was born, and now I return to my profession. Everything is not. "
Actually thought the cultural studies that had gone to this point, the Cologne-election already. But not least their party friends in Dusseldorf have ensured that the local elections on the 30th August has been postponed. So you plan was thwarted.
On Monday, the party meets to elect a successor. The only candidate is the 24-year-old economics student Katharina Dröge.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

SoKo clarify the mystery surrounding Schmitz Backes

Cologne - The task force EXPRESS helps in all situations. The experiences now retired Helmut Spohr.
The 80-year-old that is a very special problem: "I wonder, has long been the source of the kölsche saying" not yet to Schmitz Backes past "? I could not even sleep because I was so brooding about it! "
Spohr added: "We often use the phrase when something has not been through and you can not put your feet up. But who on earth will Schmitz Backes is? "
Wife, Heidi (75 smiles): "My husband is with something as very accurate. He leaves that question no more peace. "Investigate the Internet, he can not:" We do not have. Since I can not look like the young people. "So he turns to the task force EXPRESS.
We contact the Cologne Traditional experts Reinold Louis (69): "Backes says on kölsch bakery. On the Severin Street, right on the old city gate, there was the bakery Schmitz. If one of Schmitz Backes was over, one was out of the hustle and bustle, out of the city, "he explains.
Is it therefore not yet past, "Schmitz Backes," that means something like: I'm with you something to settle, you're still not out fine.
Legends, that the prisoners were beaten earlier on by Backes from the city are false, according to Louis.
Helmut Spohr is certainly satisfied. "Thank you, SoKo. That would have left me no peace forever. "

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Large yoga mat


In the latest days several persons have turn out to be mindful in the many positive aspects how the exercise of yoga presents. This happening has struck people allaround the planet. The teen and also the aged, males, ladies physical fitness freaks along with experts are turning towards yoga like in no way previous to. When this sort of significant may be the range from the yoga exercise followers it's crucial that the important data on all of the elements of this form be supplied for the men and women. This write-up will attempt to focus on a person this sort of element of yoga exercise, the yoga pads.

thick yoga mat

The necessity on the yoga exercise mats vary using the train of yoga. You can find a lot of alternatives accessible for all kinds of yoga practitioners so as to pick one particular as per their own specifications. The mats are offered to suit all designs, sizes on the body as well as the distinct yoga exercise asanas. The planning mothers take up yoga exercise to guarantee appear health for them as nicely as the newborn. Even so, for these kinds of females the selection on the thick yoga mat is very vital. Highest care have to be taken before deciding on 1. Trying it out 1st is proposed. The primary prerequisite of mats for these types of girls will normally be a solid cushioning. On the other hand, it truly is a good idea how the recommendation in the concerned physician plus a skilled yoga exercise teacher should be seeked.

For that regular yoga experts the mats that are firm and about an inch thicker may be perfect. Additional, one ought to acquire into consideration the usage and the preferences though buying the yoga mat.

The level of popularity of yoga exercise has produced it possible to very easily obtain a perfect type of yoga exercise mat that may be suitable for your practice. It is possible to even shop on the internet for these types of mat’s as you will discover lots of web sites that facilitate the yoga exercise mats selling and buy about the world wide web.

Yoga exercise is a great deal different compared to some other stretching physical exercise which you need to be carrying out within the wellness club. It is a much more making improvements to encounter that rejuvenates the mind, shape along with the spirit. A yoga mat is usually a requirement if you ever vision to reap the highest positive aspects by training the yoga asanas.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

UEFA Cup to become the European League

Bordeaux - The UEFA Cup is history. Starting next season, European football competition gets a new name and a new format.
Background: The UEFA Cup will bring it through a centralized marketing the participating teams vonder coming season to higher revenues.
DasExekutivkomitee the European Football Union (UEFA) decided amFreitag in Bordeaux, the competition to run in the future under the name "European league". A single, zentralvermarkteter TV contract, a name and a ball and eineinheitliches sponsor logo will make the last standing in the shadow of the Champions League European Cup more attractive competition.
From next season, also the mode is renewed. 48Mannschaften be in twelve groups of four teams in round-undRückspiel compete against each other. UndZweitplatzierten The group winners qualify for the knockout round, where eight teams among Ideal for seminars from the Champions League at the European League taking part.
These decisions had the UEFA Exekutivkomiteebereits at its meeting in December 2007 met in Lucerne.
"These changes this historic Wettbewerbverbessern. The Euro League is important for UEFA and onTHE EUROPEAN football, as they have more fans, players and clubs allowing dieBegeisterung of the European Cup," said UEFA Chief MichelPlatini.
Everything a say in the new Uefa - here

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The dog inherits everything!

Bonn - his dog "Lucky" has identified a 52-year-old manuscript has the sole heir and that the animal alleserbt, even the houses. This testament was that three-years down the deceased before his death, now stands in the center einesErbstreites before the Bonn district court.
Euskirchen The district court had issued to the legal heirs of the deceased, a certificate of inheritance. On the grounds DasTestament of the 52-year-old, who died in January 2009, was invalid because a dog can not be an heir. An heir must be eineRechtsperson, it is in the law, and that is an animal course not.
A friend of the deceased, who - how shall also be deposited in the will - to Lucky, but also the maintenance of Häuserkümmern has Landgerichteingelegt however, complain to the Bonner and calls the recovery of inheritance.
His argument: Contrary to the clear wording of the will he was derrechtmäßige heritage, because he treated Lucky "well fed and vaccinated once imJahr" is. So the last will of the deceased had formulated.
Now, the Bonn court must decide whether the will is effective or not. They must consider not only the wording but also to explore the will of the deceased, what the man really meant with his will.