Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The dog inherits everything!

Bonn - his dog "Lucky" has identified a 52-year-old manuscript has the sole heir and that the animal alleserbt, even the houses. This testament was that three-years down the deceased before his death, now stands in the center einesErbstreites before the Bonn district court.
Euskirchen The district court had issued to the legal heirs of the deceased, a certificate of inheritance. On the grounds DasTestament of the 52-year-old, who died in January 2009, was invalid because a dog can not be an heir. An heir must be eineRechtsperson, it is in the law, and that is an animal course not.
A friend of the deceased, who - how shall also be deposited in the will - to Lucky, but also the maintenance of Häuserkümmern has Landgerichteingelegt however, complain to the Bonner and calls the recovery of inheritance.
His argument: Contrary to the clear wording of the will he was derrechtmäßige heritage, because he treated Lucky "well fed and vaccinated once imJahr" is. So the last will of the deceased had formulated.
Now, the Bonn court must decide whether the will is effective or not. They must consider not only the wording but also to explore the will of the deceased, what the man really meant with his will.