Tuesday, May 11, 2010

UEFA Cup to become the European League

Bordeaux - The UEFA Cup is history. Starting next season, European football competition gets a new name and a new format.
Background: The UEFA Cup will bring it through a centralized marketing the participating teams vonder coming season to higher revenues.
DasExekutivkomitee the European Football Union (UEFA) decided amFreitag in Bordeaux, the competition to run in the future under the name "European league". A single, zentralvermarkteter TV contract, a name and a ball and eineinheitliches sponsor logo will make the last standing in the shadow of the Champions League European Cup more attractive competition.
From next season, also the mode is renewed. 48Mannschaften be in twelve groups of four teams in round-undRückspiel compete against each other. UndZweitplatzierten The group winners qualify for the knockout round, where eight teams among Ideal for seminars from the Champions League at the European League taking part.
These decisions had the UEFA Exekutivkomiteebereits at its meeting in December 2007 met in Lucerne.
"These changes this historic Wettbewerbverbessern. The Euro League is important for UEFA and onTHE EUROPEAN football, as they have more fans, players and clubs allowing dieBegeisterung of the European Cup," said UEFA Chief MichelPlatini.
Everything a say in the new Uefa - here